Are Christians Anti-Gay?

     There is quite the commotion in the media over the recent NBA player who has come out publicly to announce that he is gay. And there is even more clamor over Chris Broussard, the ESPN announcer, who said that because of his Christian faith, he cannot condone homosexual behavior. For that, his job is now in jeopardy.
    I wonder if a high profile Christian were to say that adultery is not compatible with Christian values, would he be censored for saying that? What if he said that viewing pornography or visiting prostitutes or doing illegal drugs or getting drunk or a host of other things, are incompatible with Christian values. Would he be denigrated for criticizing these activities? Why is it that in this one area, political correctness has nearly eliminated any debate, any questioning, any opinion contrary to what has become a media protected lifestyle?
     Have we come to the place where there can be no debate regarding the rightness or wrongness of certain protected behaviors?
     And how about this question: Are we so settled in our acceptance of an aberrant lifestyle that we refuse to even listen to what God has to say about it? Are we so stuck on our desire to be tolerant that we will not tolerate those who believe otherwise? Are we unwilling to even consider that God designed the human race a certain way and that people hurt themselves and others when they rebel against that design? Can we not even say things like that without fearing that we will be castigated?
     Let me briefly say what the Bible does say. The Bible says that all of us are sinners. Without Jesus, we would all be lost. And followers of Jesus cannot expect nonchristians to live by Christian values. We should expect lost people to act lost and not be surprised when they do. But it is right for us to be open about what the Bible says, not only about God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice, but also on the problem of sin and our need to turn from it. The Bible does say that any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage is sin––and sin separates us from God. Homosexual behavior is specifically identified in the Bible as a rebellion against God’s intention for sexuality. We can’t say that we believe the Bible and also say that there is nothing wrong with homosexual behavior. Just like we can’t say that we believe the Bible and also say that there is nothing wrong with gossiping, getting drunk, or committing adultery. As Christians, we are to care about all people and help them to see that God loves them, that he is eager to forgive them, and that He has a better plan for their lives than their own. But we can’t do that if they never admit to being in need of forgiveness. Gay people, like all sinners, are in need of forgiveness. And yes, homosexual behavior is a sin that Jesus died for and needs to be and can be forgiven (just like my sin).
     So are Christians anti-gay? No more than Jesus is. No more than we should be anti-gossip or anti-adultery. As followers of Jesus, we should be for everything that God is for and against everything that God is against. Sometimes, that will put us at odds with our culture.


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