How Much Are You Worth?

WorthI mentioned to a friend of mine that a person I knew was worth millions.  This friend responded, “You are only worth as much as you give."“A car or a house is only worth what someone is willing to give for it. A person is worth only as much as they give away."How much are you worth?I’ve known a lot of poor people who are worth more than the super rich. You are worth a lot when you give a lot.You see, your value is not based on how talented you are, how smart you are, how many friends you have, or your savings account balance. Your value is based on fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. And that always involves generosity. You cannot be valuable as a person if you are not generous. It’s really that simple. Your generosity reveals your value.I know that plays out in a lot of ways. I know it is exhibited in how we use our time and talents as well as our resources. But the most tangible and practical way for us to be generous involves our willingness to intentionally give of our material goods for the benefit of God’s work and blessing other people. That’s what Jesus was talking about when he said in his famous Sermon On The Mount, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” He was talking about living your life for God and others, taking on a generous lifestyle.Does your net worth involve treasure in heaven? Or is it largely material assets that will leave your possession the moment you die? That which you keep for yourself will soon no longer be yours. That which you give for God’s work will be treasure that Jesus promised will not fade away.In the meantime, God has created us in such a way that our generosity produces a joy that doesn’t make sense until you actually experience it. A person's happiness is largely related to their realized value…their practice of generosity. Giving people are happier people. I’ve never known a stingy person to enjoy his possessions. Stinginess merely breeds a desire for more and more. That craving for what they do not have not only stands in the way of their generosity, it also destroys their ability to enjoy what they do have.On the other hand, generous people tend to be more grateful for what they do have. They not only derive joy from giving, but are also able to enjoy what they have to a greater extent than those who give little or nothing.“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6 ESVSo what are you worth? What does your heavenly bank account look like?


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