The Four Faces At The Bridge

In these next four blogs, I’d like to introduce you to four people. One of them is you. We’ll call this The Four Faces At The Bridge.

The first is The Spiritual Seeker. Most of you were spiritual seekers when you first came…and some of you still are.

You are the man, woman, or student who is honestly seeking the truth, though you are not sure what that is…yet. And that is why you are coming. You know that there is a real God. You also know that there is something missing in your life. You’ve probably tried a lot of things to fill that emptiness, and some of it was fun for a while. But there is a really important absent part, and you know it. You are here seeking to fill it.

Welcome to The Bridge! We are so glad you are here! You won’t find people in this church to be perfect. But you will find us to be sincere in our desire to pursue and know God. And you will find that all of us were where you are now and we have found what you are looking for. We are not going to be salesmen and attempt to “trick” you into entering into some kind of a scary religious experience. We do invite you to examine what we believe, observe our worship, and ask questions.

We believe God loves us and created us to enjoy a relationship with him. He revealed himself to us in the pages of the Bible, which is why we spend so much time studying it. We understand the Bible to teach that while God created us to love and enjoy us, he does not force himself on us. Subsequently, we have all turned away from him to live for ourselves rather than what we were created for. Because of that, we have cut ourselves off from him, our only life-giving force, and the emptiness we feel is the consequence of that condemnation.

But God worked out a plan to reconcile us back into a relationship with him. That is why Jesus came, lived, and died. The Bible teaches that Jesus was and is God’s perfect and sinless Son, the one the Old Testament prophets called the Messiah, or “Deliverer.” When Jesus died on the cross he was being condemned for our sin. When he was resurrected, he made the way for us to be delivered and to receive his new resurrected life.

Today God offers to you that gift of salvation. You can receive it personally through what the Bible calls repentance and faith. Repentance is being sincerely sorry for turning away from God and living apart from him. Faith is committing your life to him, depending on him for your salvation. Romans 10:13 says that the moment we call on the Lord for salvation, trusting in him, we are saved, and reconciled to God.

We’d love to share this with you in greater detail. If you are a Spiritual Seeker, let us know how we can help!


#Two Of Four


Will you Miss Christmas?