Why So Unhappy?

UNHAPPYThere are so many good things in life that God has given us to enjoy. Family, friends, work, church, physical exercise, hobbies, outdoor recreation. Why then are we so unhappy?The prophet Isaiah wrote, “The poor, deluded fool…trusts something that can’t help him at all. Yet he cannot bring himself to ask, ‘Is this idol that I’m holding in my hand a lie?’” (Isaiah 44:20 NLT).In other words, when the gifts we have been given for our support and enjoyment become the focus of our admiration and happiness, rather than the God who gives us these things, we are looking to temporary things for fulfillment. But anytime you think fulfillment comes from who you’re with, what you do, or what you have, you’re setting yourself up for deep disappointment. Created things cannot give us meaning in life. Only our Creator can do that.And this is why some of the poorest people I’ve known have been some of the happiest. While some of the wealthiest people I’ve known have been some of the most miserable. Of course, having friends and money in and of themselves does not make us unhappy, and going without does not make a person happy. It’s all how we respond to the gifts we’ve been given.Compare two children on their birthdays. One receives and opens gifts and protects them from being played with by others at their party. He keeps a watchful eye on his new toys, and doesn’t let any other kids get too close. The other opens her gifts and runs to the giver, thanking them. Even while playing, she continues to smile at and express gratitude to those who gave to her. We know which of these two are happy, right?God has given you a lot. Are your time and attention focused on keeping track of and protecting those gifts? Or is your focus on the God who gave them? Always looking to him, expressing love and gratitude,  sharing with others, and making it known, all that you have is really from him? Do you really love God? Or do you just love what he has given you?The answer to that last question may be the answer to the first, “Why then are we so unhappy?”


Broken Hearted


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